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New Freedom Caucus chair threatens access when asked about Melania Trump’s career
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New Freedom Caucus chair threatens access when asked about Melania Trump’s career


Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) — Chair, House Freedom Caucus

LISTEN: Laslo & Harris

Ask a Pol asks:

Are you gonna be reading former First Lady Melania Trump's new book?

Key Harris: 

“I have kind of a lot of stuff on my plate right now to read that,” Rep. Andy Harris exclusively told Ask a Pol

ICYMI — Matt Laslo’s full article

This interview was first included in Matt Laslo’s Raw Story feature, Melania Trump’s nude modeling makes Republicans blush — and threaten reporters

Caught our ear:

As a Maryland state senator you tried to defund the University of Maryland over a fraternity showing a porno?

“It wasn't a fraternity, it was actually in the student union,” Harris told us. “It's a tax-rated movement, correct. So it's actually in a different funding facility.”

ICYMI — Laslo also asked Romney about Melania…

Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD), slightly edited for clarity.

TRANSCRIPT: Rep. Andy Harris

SCENE: After voting on the House floor, Rep. Andy Harris passes a mob of television cameras, producers, reporters and photographers when Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo — followed by another reporter — catches up with him as he heads to his office across the street.

Matt Laslo: “Hey, how are you? Congrats on the chairmanship.”

Harris was just elected chair of the House Freedom Caucus the previous day.

Andy Harris: “Thanks.”

ML: “Are you gonna be reading Melania Trump's book?”

AH: “I have kind of a lot of stuff on my plate right now to read that.”

ML: “Fair, fair. Did you hear about her call, though, on Instagram? She asked the media if we appreciate the human body over her nude photos. Have you seen that?”

AH: “I have my plate as plenty full without worrying about that.”

Harris turns to another reporter to drop subject.

AH: “Yeah?”

ML: “Well, I was curious, because with UMD [University of Maryland], you tried to ban that fraternity for pornography.”

Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo stays nearby as Harris answers budget questions while traversing heavy duty — and loud — security barriers . When they’re done, Laslo slides back in to ask Harris a follow-up about the famous former First Lady.

ML: “I was curious, [Rep.] Jaime Raskin (D-MD) mentioned when you guys served in the legislature…”

AH: “Right.”

ML: “…you tried to defund UMD [University of Maryland] cause one of the fraternities showed porn?”

AH: “It wasn't a fraternity. It was actually in the student union.”

ML: “Oh yeah?”

AH: “It was an X-rated movie. Correct.”

ML: “And so…”

AH: “And it was actually in a government funded facility.”

ML: “Yeah?”

AH: “Yes.”

ML: “But is there any correlation or is that just apples and oranges to Melania Trump and her career?”

AH: “I have no idea what you’re talking about with Melania Trump. I mean, I just told you — I have no idea.”

ML: “You don't?”

AH: “You don't believe me? Don't ask the same question twice. Come on. I have so much better things to do.”

Harris keeps walking but Laslo’s stopped by a Members Only sign outside the entrance to the Longworth House Office building. What Harris says as he gets further from the mic is hard to hear, which Laslo foresaw so he repeated what he heard Rep. Harris say verbatim into his mic.

AH: “It might be the last time I speak to you if you ask stupid things.”

ICYMI — Melania makes ‘Coach’ Tommy Tuberville blush

ML: “Preciate ya.”

Laslo speaks to himself, well, his microphone, as he walks back towards the Capitol.

ML: “It might be the last time I speak to you if you ask stupid things.”

Laslo chuckles.

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