Hakeem Jeffries mum when asked about member's of AOC's 'Squad' facing primaries this cycle
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) — US House Minority Leader
LISTEN: Laslo & Jeffries
Ask a Pol asks:
Members of ‘The Squad’ are getting primaried this election cycle, what do you make of those challenges? I know last year you met with [Rep.] AOC and [Rep. Jamaal] Bowman, kinda had a come-to-Jesus moment in New York with the progressives. What role do they play in the party, and are you worried about those races?
Key Jeffries:
“I have made several endorsements of a variety of different members of the House Democratic Caucus to date, and will continue to do so in the weeks and months to come,” Jeffries replied.
Go Deeper:
Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s interview with Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), slightly edited for clarity.
TRANSCRIPT: Rep. Hakeem Jeffries
Matt Laslo: “I wanted to ask you, members of the Squad are getting primaried. What do you make of those challenges? I know last year you met with [Rep.] AOC and [Rep. Jamaal] Bowman, kinda had a come-to-Jesus moment in New York with the progressives. What role do they play in the party, and are you worried about those races?”
Hakeem Jeffries: “I have made several endorsements of a variety of different members of the House Democratic Caucus to date, and will continue to do so in the weeks and months to come.”
ML: “Preciate ya.”
Other reporters continue chasing Jeffries.
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